At the conclusion of our programs, we receive many positive testimonials. It is always appreciated to learn of the ways that we have illuminated the paths of our participants. Below is a sampling of some of the feedback that we have received:
This was one of my favorite workshops that I have ever attended. So much of this resonates with me in my everyday life. The presenter was fantastic and very personable.
I enjoyed this very much! I loved finding my “type” and how it can help me with my journey throughout life.
I have been feeling particularly stuck lately. This was a nice surprise. It was interesting and very helpful.
It was wonderful! Tammy was fantastic and very personable. I could have kept listening and learning!
I enjoyed this very much! To learn how we are all different and need to be more sensitive to other’s differences will help me in my journey throughout life.
Excellent! Very engaging and worthwhile. I really liked all of the practical exercises.
Very well done! I will incorporate lots from today into my life and into my work.
This was so much more than I expected. It was very engaging.
I was told this would be great but, it was more than I expected.
I enjoyed this workshop! It was more practical and relevant than most professional development programs that I have attended.